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Writer's pictureCraig Teal

The Old World Cometh

Hi Guys,

I hope you all had an awesome new years eve.

As some of you are probably already aware, yesterday Games Workshop announced that the long awaited release of "The Old World" Warhammer game will be coming in January.

In order to help us better prepare for this we have put a form together where people can register their interest.

By registering your interest you will be helping us better gauge the interest in the release so we can ensure copies get to the people that want them.

You can register your interest by following the link below.

The launch of the Old World will initially consists of two boxed armies, the Tomb Kings of Khemri and the Kingdom of Bretonnia.

In addition to the box sets Games Workshop have also releasing the core rule and both of the army books that include the rules for both the good and evil armies.

So if you have a Dwarf or High Elf army lingering in your attic somewhere you can jump straight into the game.

They are also releasing card, dice and additional source books for each army which will add some additional flare for your armies including armies of reknown.

Finally they have also announced that they will be releasing some additional units for each of the boxed armies.

However these will be plastic, metal and resin. As resin models are normally not included in trade we may not be selling these so we have left these off the registration of interest form for now.

If you have any questions about this release you can contact me and the team at

Well catch you all in our next blog.

Take Care



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