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Writer's pictureCraig Teal

Lets talk about FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Hi Guys,

I was talking with one of my customers about the recent Piety and Pain release and how the scalpers hijacked the release.

It's become more apparent that the Games Workshop model is designed to work in tandem with the concept of fear of missing out. Which basically means they make things limited or in small supply in order to drive sales from their customers.

Technically there isn't anything wrong with this, but with the surge in scalpers over the pandemic its beginning to prey more and more on those who want to get these items.

So what's Composite Games going to do about it?

Well there are two ways you can deal with a problem you can either change the cause of the problem or you adapt to it.

While we work with Games Workshop as a trader we have no say in their sales policies (how ever we have been known to protest)

Therefore we need to adapt how we handle our pre releases.

So how will we do this, firstly we will be introducing a pre release token that will normally go available a week before the pre release window opens (this is normally a Saturday)

This pre release item will have a zero price value.

Customer who "purchase a pre order token" will have their request added to our stock request which will allow us to reserve stock ahead of the pre release window which will bypass the scalpers.

Once the order is confirmed by our trade account manager, our customer services will contact the customers to arrange payment and confirm the orders

We have already reserved some copies of the new Warhammer Quest Game and we will be using this as a trial of the new process.

Let us know what you think and how we could improve it.

Speak to you soon



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