Hi Guys,
A big happy new year to you all.
Its been an amazing year and we wanted to thank everyone in our amazing community for the support, continued custom and encouragement over the last 12 months.
Over the last year we have introduced several key customer events including Combat Patrol Tournaments, Warhammer 40k Apocalypse games, D&D store campaigns, a Wrath and Glory campaign and finally the launch of our Competitive D&D event.
These events have been a huge success and we are looking forward to running the next wave of these events in the new year.
Next year we will be introducing a Bloodbowl league into the store, kill team tournaments, sponsored 40k tournaments, competitive wrath and glory events and well even look at finally introducing beerhammer.
If you would like to find out more about our instore events or get involved in running an event then please contact us on info@compositegames.com
So we have an exciting new year ahead for us all and both myself and the team would like to thank our customers for making the year the success that it was.
So have a happy and safe new years eve and well catch you all in the new year.
Kind Regards