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Writer's pictureCraig Teal

Post shutdown Shenanigans

Hi Guys,

I thought I would pop a quick post on what’s been happening behind the scenes here at Composite Games.

When the corvid-19 shutdown first hit the UK a lot of shops just shut down leaving their customer base only one option. To buy online.

This would have been great for us normally as we have a strong online presence and a good supply chain with Games Workshop and our other suppliers. However Games Workshop quickly shutdown and all of our stock quickly vanished.

And then the ebay orders flooded in.

We received over 40 orders With 24hrs as customers sought out missing units and paint.

This left me with a tough decision, do i cancel all the orders and refund the customers or wait to see how long the delays is.

In the end I decided that we would cancel the orders at the individual customers request and offer a reward to those who would agree to hang on with us.

This gave us chance to sort out shipping and other options ready for when the stock arrived.

Now nearly two months later we can finally fulfil these order.

I would like to thank Donna and Will for working hard to get the new site up and parcel ready for shipping and every customer who has been patient with us while we got the orders shipped.

We have some more news to post soon so please keep an eye out and let us know if you have any feedback for the site.

keep safe



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